Q: What is COSM?

A: COSM is a five-day in-person meeting May 14 – May 18, 2025, in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. All educational sessions will be in person. COSM will not offer a virtual component outside of accessing ePosters. ePosters are accessible on the platform and mobile app before, during, and after the meeting

Q: Are there scholarship opportunities to attend COSM?

A: COSM offers a travel award to encourage first and second-year medical students to explore a career in Otololaryngology. Residents and third-year medical students may apply for the COSM Travel Award; however, priority preference will go to those 1) in the region where COSM is being held and 2) first—and second-year medical students.

Q: What are the health and safety protocols?
A: COSM will provide local health and safety protocols to registered attendees. Please note that badges are required to be worn for all COSM events, Session entry, and to gain access to the Exhibit Hall. No exceptions will be made. NEW FOR 2025: Badge reprints/replacement badge holders are $25 for any that are lost/replaced.

Q: What’s the WiFi Password?
A: Complimentary WiFi is available throughout the COSM meeting space.

Q: How do I find help onsite?
For all types of questions, you can stop by Registration or the COSM Office. If it is specific to a Society, all Societies will have a table with staff outside of their Ballroom. Also, will be staffed and responsive Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT). 

Q: Does COSM have a Mothers’/Nursing/Family Room?
A: Absolutely! We will have a room for you that can be locked for privacy. Just stop by Registration for the key and let us know how else we can help you and your family.

Q: Can I register for COSM if I am not a member of any COSM Society?
Registration rates for non-members are specific to each Society. Society registration will allow you access to that Society’s session, CME (if offered), coffee breaks, lunch, and Exhibit Hall access (during published hours). The fee also includes access to the mobile app and ePoster viewing.

Q: What does registration include for Medical Students?
A:  Medical student registration will allow you access to all Society sessions, coffee breaks, lunch, and Exhibit Hall access during published times. The fee also includes access to the mobile app and ePoster viewing.

Q: What does registration include for Residents?
A: Resident registration will allow you access to all Society sessions, coffee breaks, lunch, and Exhibit Hall access during published times. The fee also includes access to the mobile app and ePoster viewing.

Q: What does registration include for Society Attendees?
A: Society registration will allow you access to that Society’s session, CME (if offered), coffee breaks, lunch, and Exhibit Hall access (during published hours). The fee also includes access to the mobile app and ePoster viewing.

Q: What does registration include for Exhibitors?
A: Exhibitor registration will allow you access to coffee breaks, lunches, mobile app, and ePosters. Please note you must declare Society interest upon registering and pay any fees associated with attending sessions. 

Q: Who do I contact for registration help or to get my receipt?
A: Registration Team at 312-202-5244 during the hours below in CT or

Q: Is there a fee for canceling my registration if I cannot attend?
A: A 50% refund of the registration fees will be returned to those who notify COSM in writing by Friday, April 25, 2025. After this date, no refunds for registration fees will be issued. The $35 COSM administrative fee, if applicable, is nonrefundable.

Q: When will the COSM Program be available?
COSM will publish a draft program on the website by March 30th. The full program details will be available in April on the COSM website and in the mobile app. If you have questions regarding a Society and its program, we recommend you contact that individual Society.

Q: How do I view the COSM Program?
You have a few options: 1) COSM Mobile App, 2) COSM Society Program Linked on our website, 3) COSM Society Websites Direct Links to Programs

Q: I am having connection issues at home – what can I do?
Try a different browser – Google Chrome is recommended. If this doesn’t work, try the following:

  • Disconnect a VPN connection—it can hinder performance and block features. Company-issued laptops may have blocks to certain sites and video chat functions; a personal laptop may solve the issue.
  • Limit streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) that may impact your WiFi bandwidth
  • Clear your Web Browser History and Cache
  • Restart your computer
  • Move closer to the WiFi router to strengthen the connection
If you still have issues, you may email us at

Q: What time zone are these events listed in?
Central Time 

Q: How long will COSM content be available?
A: All content on the mobile app will be available for up to a year following the meeting 

Q: How do I build “My Schedule”?
Follow the mobile app instructions. You can “favorite” scheduled sessions and add them to your schedule.

Q: Where are the exhibits, and what are the hours?
The hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 9 am – 4 pm. COSM Tabletop exhibits will be available as an add-on for exhibiting companies and will be located outside the scientific session rooms on Wednesday and Sunday. If you’re an industry company looking to exhibit, visit our exhibit page.

Q: Will COSM have Industry Symposia and other Exhibitor Events?
Yes! COSM offers Satellite Symposia opportunities before and after scientific programming each day, as well as Innovation Theater Sessions in the exhibit hall from Thursday to Saturday. Only registered exhibitors may host Exhibitor Events.

Q: How can I visit exhibit booths virtually?
A: COSM’s Mobile App allows users to view the Exhibitor profile, website, and on-site contact details.

Q: Where can I find information on exhibiting at COSM?
A: If you’re an industry company with a product or service related to otolaryngology and are looking to exhibit at COSM 2025, visit our exhibit page.

Q: Where is the COSM Headquarters Hotel in 2025?
The COSM Headquarters Hotel in 2025 will be the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

Q: When does the COSM 2025 housing block open?
The COSM 2025 housing block opens on November 26, 2024. The room rate is based on availability until the room block is either full or the deadline date. 

Q: What if I need to cancel my hotel room reservations?
A: To cancel a hotel room, you must contact the Hyatt Regency New Orleans directly (contact information is included in your confirmation email).

Q: What happens if the room block is full?
A: COSM suggests booking a room nearby based on recommendations from Visit New Orleans Tourism.

Q: How do I claim CME?
CME is provided by each Society based on your registration. Please contact them directly to inquire about hours and/or certificates. View in-person CME details here.

Q: How do I receive a Certificate of Attendance?
Attendees may request a certificate of attendance directly from COSM by emailing us at

Q: How do I present?
Presenters are required to review and follow the Presenters Guidelines, which include helpful information for their specific roles, required links for the day of their presentation, and other resources.

Q: Are Presenters required to register?
Yes. All presenters for the podium and poster are required to register for COSM.

Q: Where is the Speaker Ready Room, and what are the Hours?
A: The Speaker Ready room details will be published closer to COSM 2025.

Q: How do I know when I am presenting?
A: Presenters should contact the Society that has invited them to determine the length of the presentation and its duration.

Q: How do I present?
Poster presenters must review and follow the Poster Guidelines, which include helpful information for your specific role, required links for the day of your presentation, and other resources. Please be mindful of the hours required to hang and remove your poster. 

Q: How do I know when I am presenting my poster?
A: Poster presenters should contact the Society that has invited them to present to determine the length and time it will take place in the Exhibit Hall during the COSM Poster Reception.