COSM invites exhibiting companies to host an Exhibitor Event during COSM 2025 taking place at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans from May 14-18, 2025. Below you will find guidelines, available dates, and fees for hosting an event during COSM 2025.
Exhibitor Event Dates
COSM commences on Wednesday, May 14, 2025, at 8:00 am and adjourns on Sunday, May 18, 2025, at 12:00 pm. During this period, neither exhibitors nor their agents may conduct, participate in, or sponsor any educational or marketing activities directed toward COSM registrants, other than as part of an approved exhibit, or as part of an approved exhibitor event. Specific time slots that exhibitor events can be held are indicated on the following page.
No meetings or events may be scheduled that compete with officially sanctioned COSM programs without prior written approval of COSM, including all satellite symposia, lectures, sessions, and social events. Social events are gatherings that are not educational in nature and for which there is no formal program. Functions must be good in taste and conform to the purpose of COSM.
Exhibitor Events are not eligible for CME or CE credits.
Third-Party Organizers
Third-party organizers requesting space must be the agency of record for the exhibiting company. Permission to use third-party organizers must be requested in writing by the exhibitor on company letterhead.
Responsibility of Event Organization
Companies are responsible for complete coordination of the event, including program content, marketing, logistics, and menu planning. COSM provides meeting space assignment at the headquarters hotel and allows a one-time request of the advance registration list (mailing addresses only, no emails included). The venue may levy room rental charges if the required food/beverage revenue is not met. Company must work with COSM-contracted service vendors.
Event Requests
All requests for function space will be handled through the COSM convention office.
Requests made directly with COSM conference venue or any other hotel used to house COSM registrants are prohibited. If you are planning a function at a location other than the official COSM hotel(s), written approval must still be granted by COSM prior to finalizing your arrangements. Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Exhibitor Events requests subject to meeting space size and availability.
Event Request Submission Details
Exhibitor Event requests MUST include the following information pertaining to the planned event:
- Day, date, time and title of event
- General description of educational content and/or agenda topics
- List of program presenters
- Sponsor(s) of event
- Completed Exhibitor Event Request Form
- Contact information
- Anticipated attendance and registration fee (if any)
- Deadlines
- The deadline for exhibitor event space requests is Friday, March 21, 2025. Requests will be accepted past this deadline but are confirmed on a space available basis only.
COSM Approval and Fees
Once COSM approves the event, a non-refundable application fee is required from exhibitor event organizers. Fees are as indicated on the following page. This fee is an application fee only and provides you with the right to conduct an exhibitor event. Actual meeting expenses/costs related to the promotion and/or coordination are additional and the responsibility of the event organizer. No additional fees are charged by COSM other than for those services requested of COSM. Once request is approved by COSM, COSM Management will send an invoice for the application fee to the event organizer listed in the request form.
Upon receipt of the application fee, the COSM Convention office will confirm arrangements and will notify organizers of their space assignment. The organizer is responsible for finalizing all arrangements with the venue. After space is assigned, COSM accepts no responsibility for the planned function.
The chart below indicates the available dates, times, and fees for exhibitor events during COSM 2025. Approved time slots do not compete with any other official COSM educational programming.
Fee Inclusions
Once COSM approves the event, a non-refundable application fee is required from exhibitor event organizers. Fees are as indicated on the following page. This fee is an application fee only and provides you with the right to conduct an exhibitor event, as well as the following acknowledgements to enhance visibility at COSM:
- • Event listing in COSM mobile app (if specified in request form)
- • One time request of the advance attendee list (mailing addresses only)
- • Recognition in the COSM mobile app
- • Recognition on the official COSM industry supporter sign
COSM Society Meeting Dates/Times
The below information may aid you in deciding when to hold your event. All nine COSM societies are meeting at COSM 2025 at the below dates and times.
Exhibitor Event Request Form
All functions taking place during COSM 2025 must be approved by COSM Management. Requests should be completed and returned no later than Friday, March 21, 2025. Requests received after this date can only be confirmed on a space available basis.
Please fill out this form to request an Exhibitor Event at COSM 2025. Exhibitor Events are only available to registered COSM 2025 Exhibitors. For information on exhibiting, visit