COSM Societies

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS)
AAFPRS is the world’s largest specialty association for facial plastic surgery. It represents more than 2,700 facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons throughout the world. The AAFPRS is a National Medical Specialty Society of the American Medical Association (AMA), and holds an official seat in both the AMA House of Delegates and the American College of Surgeons board of governors. AAFPRS members are board certified surgeons whose focus is surgery of the face, head, and neck. AAFPRS members subscribe to a code of ethics. In addition, the AAFPRS provide consumers with free information and brochures and a list of qualified plastic surgeons in their area by visiting the AAFPRS website.

American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA)
ABEA is a society of physicians, researchers and allied professionals who share their expertise in Broncho-Esophagology and meet annually for scholarly presentations on matters relevant to the science and practice of their specialty.

American Head and Neck Society (AHNS)
AHNS was organized with the goal to “facilitate and advance knowledge relevant to surgical treatment of diseases of the head and neck, including reconstruction and rehabilitation; promote advancement of the highest professional and ethical standards as they pertain to the practice of major head and neck surgery; and to honor those who have made major contributions in the field of head and neck surgery, or have aided in its advancement”.

American Laryngological Association (ALA)
The Mission of the ALA is to promote education and research and disseminate important new scientific information relative to laryngology, the study of basic science, promoting and presenting the latest scientific discoveries, publishing peer-reviewed reports, establishing funding sources for pilot research studies that facilitate subsequent NIH funding, and sponsoring educational seminars and courses, public service announcements, and all under approval of the governing Council.

American Neurotology Society (ANS)
The American Neurotology Society (ANS) is committed to improving public health care through the provision of high-quality continuing medical education (CME) to our members.  The overall goal of the ANS Continuing medical Education program is to provide CME activities that will address the knowledge gaps and enhance the clinical competence of the participants. The ANS is dedicated to improving public health care through the development, dialogue and dissemination of advances in evidence-based diagnosis and management of neurotologic and related skull base disorders. The focus on the scientific advances in these combined fields is translated into approaches to quality care that are consistent with ACGME/ABMS general competency areas and the Institute of Medicine recommendations. More…

American Otological Society (AOS)
The American Otological Society, created in 1868, is dedicated to fostering a dialogue on and dissemination of, information pertaining to advances in evidence-based diagnosis and management of otologic and neurotologic disorders. The focus on otologic and neurotologic disorders and scientific advances are translated to the provision of quality care that is consistent with the ACGME general competency areas and the Institute of Medicine competencies. More…

American Rhinologic Society (ARS)
The American Rhinologic Society’s mission is to serve, represent and advance the science and ethical practice of rhinology. The Society promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in Rhinology and Skull Base Disorders. The American Rhinologic Society is dedicated to providing communication and fellowship to the members of the Rhinologic community through on-going medical education, patient advocacy, and social programs. The ARS continuing medical education activities serve to improve professional competence, performance, and promote research. More…

American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO)
ASPO exists to foster excellence in the care of children with otorhinolaryngologic disorders and thereby enhance the distinction of pediatric otorhinolaryngology as a profession.

The Triological Society (TRIO)
The mission of TRIO is to encourage and assist otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons and other health care professionals to develop, maintain, and enhance their knowledge and skills in their pursuit of improved patient care through education, research, and fellowship.

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